Personal details

Nestor S. - Remote data scientist

Nestor S.

PhD student
Based in: 🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Timezone: Edinburgh (UTC+1)


Generalist with experience on all aspects of data science from formal academic research to product deployment; I have a strong background in mathematical statistics and the fundamentals of ML, as well as 3+ years of software engineering experience in industry helping companies create new products and insights from their data. I am also a self-learner always keeping up to date with innovations in the data science and MLOps spaces.

Work Experience

Statistical consultant
National Grid | Mar 2021 - May 2021
Data Science
Data Visualization
Working with National Grid and other academic consultants, delivered a study on projected mid-term security of supply indices for the UK power system in a range of decarbonisation scenarios
ML consultant
Wella School Systems | Sep 2018 - Nov 2018
Machine Learning
developed an end-to-end machine learning pipeline for student failure prediction intended as a new data service


Fitting Large-Scale Gaussian Mixtures With Accelerated Gradient Descent
Machine Learning
Apache Spark
A Gaussian Mixture (GM) is a popular clustering model that is usually fitted using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. This makes the model difficult to scale since EM is a batch algorithm, not suited for very large datasets or data streams. Taking this paper as starting point, in this project I developed a Scala library that implements accelerated stochastic gradient descent GMMs, which solves the problems mentioned above and achieves fast convergence; it can run sequentially or in parallel using Spark.
Generative deep learning models for text font generation
Google Cloud Platform
Apache Beam
Python package implementing a GCP-based end-to-end machine learning pipeline for generative deep learning models using typeface data. It uses Beam for data preprocessing, Tensorflow for model training and MLFlow for experiment tracking.


University of Edinburgh
Doctor's degree・Statistics
Dec 2018 - May 2022
Univerity of Edinburgh
Master's degree・High Performance Computing with Data Science
Sep 2017 - Sep 2018

Certifications & Awards

Professional Data Engineer
Google Cloud Platform | Oct 2020
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
Coursera | Jun 2017