Personal details

Shawn F. - Remote

Shawn F.

Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


I started over 20 years ago but never ran out of things to learn about the Internet. Although I will forever remain a student of the web, I now feel confident enough in certain areas to become a teacher. In my mind, this dual role of mentor and mentee is the perfect balance for an interesting professional life.

Work Experience

Software Consultant
Shawn Freyssonnet-Inder | Aug 2011 - Present
Software Engineering
Full Stack
QA (Quality Assurance)
I help make software decisions, carry out one-man software development projects across the web stack, and everything in between.
Web Producer
Greenpeace Canada | Sep 2019 - Jul 2020
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Google Data Studio
I was responsible for maintaining and providing the campaign teams with new capabilities when possible.


Crowd's Play (discontinued)
Get the crowd involved in your playlist