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Arc helps you hire top JavaScript developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Portugal. With 241 JavaScript vetted programmers in Portugal available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire JavaScript developers and experts in Portugal that you can trust.

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Top senior JavaScript developers for hire in Portugal

Want to expand your JavaScript development team in Portugal? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance JavaScript developers in Portugal for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Zack P. - JavaScript developer in Portugal
Get Your Projects Built and Become a Profitable Developer ✅
5.00 / 5.0

American (native English speaker) living abroad 🙂 Recently evacuated from Ukraine. I teach people how to get projects built fast and become successful developers 🔥. **Free Resources** ▶️ I have a growing [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPsi8tNv7UuNRljOTK5sl4A) where I cover popular requests I get. 👾 I also have a growing [Discord community](https://discord.gg/qA2jRybdRy) with dedicated developers and ***special offers that you should take advantage of*** (hint hint nudge nudge). **Why Work With Me?** ⭐ More than 250+ 5 Star Reviews (see my [Wyzant profile](https://www.wyzant.com/match/tutor/87903194) too) 🗽 Native English speaker ✅ EXTREMELY responsive (from 10am to 10pm Portugal time) 💰 Successfully started and improved software dev careers for multiple clients. ⚪ Able to communicate complex topics simply ❤️‍🔥 Burning passion for coding and teaching 👁️ Can provide Process Maps for visual learners **Refund Policy** 💸 If I'm unable to help, you get a full refund. Easy 🙂 **Backstory** I started programming in 2018 after my mentor told me that it really fits the way I think. Before I started I was learning marketing, working in Facebook Ads and Shopify Stores (with Google Analytics, VWO, and other website optimization softwares), I was more interested in automation, and building to do tasks only once. I started at first learning Python for automation (which is still my primary language and what I really enjoy coding in). Eventually, I learned that by itself, Python isn't that sharable if you want other non-coders to use the my apps, so I grew my way into web development, diving deep into Django, HTML & CSS, building multiple sites with only those to get experience, for example: - My website: https://www.zackplauche.com/ - A mini app I built: https://www.dollarperhourcalculator.com And more :) Then eventually learning JavaScript and the Vue.js framework to take my websites, designs, and User Experiences to the next level, building at first simple apps like my DollarPerHour Calculator (https://zackplauche.github.io/DollarPerHourCalculator/), and more advanced ones, like the current one I'm developing (still in progress, but it's the biggest app I've ever build, using both Vue.js and Django). I've been teaching programming since 2019, and my students have loved me. I have students I work with that have been working with me weekly since I first started (more than 5 years now!). They helped me keep both my coding and teaching career sustainable as I was helping them with their issues, training them to be effective developers, starting my own software agency, and building my own apps. I'm extremely grateful to my students and truly care about and do my best to support their success in whatever their endeavors.

Sachin M. - JavaScript developer in Portugal
Lead Full-Stack Engineer with over 12+ years of experience
5.00 / 5.0

Sachin Mour, a leading figure in the software engineering world, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role as a mentor. With a successful career spanning over a decade, Sachin has made significant contributions across various sectors, including tech giants like Verizon Media/RYOT, financial institutions like Danske Bank, and impactful work in nonprofit initiatives through NYC Outward Bound Schools. As a **Lead Software Engineer**, Sachin has demonstrated a profound ability to innovate at the intersection of technology and creativity. He's driven by the pursuit of elegant solutions to complex problems, consistently transforming ideas into impactful software that exceeds expectations. His work encompasses developing a web-based 3D/modeling tool, creating backend architecture from scratch, and improving machine learning algorithms to reduce manual work. Sachin's technical repertoire is extensive, with proficiencies in JavaScript, Typescript, React, Node.js, AWS, D3.js and many more. Sachin's achievements are not just confined to his professional work. He has been ranked in the top 0.1% out of over 500,000 users on Interviewbit and is part of the Toptal network, which hires only the top 3% of freelance talent. These accolades are a testament to his exceptional skill set and dedication to his craft. As a mentor, Sachin is passionate about fostering a culture of continuous learning and excellence. He thrives on sharing his knowledge, supporting the growth of fellow developers, and contributing to the broader tech community. Sachin's ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms, combined with his can-do attitude and leadership skills, makes him an invaluable asset to any learning environment. Whether through his professional achievements, contributions to open-source projects, or dedication to mentoring the next generation of software engineers, Sachin Mour embodies the qualities of a true leader in technology.

Faizal P. - JavaScript developer in Portugal
Salesforce Developer
4.99 / 5.0

9x Salesforce Certified with 11+ years of experience in Software Development. I have helped people at an individual scale transition to development roles from a non-technical background since 2019. * Salesforce Development (Apex, Triggers, LWC, VisualForce ..) * Salesforce Declarative tools (Flows, Process Builder, Validation Rules, Data Schema, Reports ..) * Web HTML/CSS and JavaScript * Multiplatform development using Flutter / Dart / Firebase (iOS, Android) * Java Programming If you need help with your project, fixing bugs, refactoring your codebase, and guidance on how to give your app a better architectural foundation, I'm your guy. \-- Special Programming Student Rate -- I have a programming student rate, for those who are starting to learn to program for the first time and need regular sessions (long-term). Contact me and tell me your needs. Technologies that I teach step-by-step live are Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Flutter, Dart, Git, GitHub, 2024 is a great year to start a career in Software Development, more than before we are seeing a shortage of developers around the world. Don't wait any further to have a career change let's get started! Feel free to book a mentoring session on my calendar. ☁️ Certifications: ● Salesforce Certified AI Associate ● Salesforce Certified Administrator ● Salesforce Certified Application Architect ● Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Architect ● Salesforce Certified Data Architect ● Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder ● Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II ● Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I ● Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I

It's Easy to Hire Top JavaScript Developers in Portugal With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top JavaScript Developers in Portugal With Arc

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Arc has a large talent pool worldwide, spanning 190 countries and over 170 technologies.
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