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Arc helps you hire top PHP developers for freelance and full-time jobs in the United Kingdom. With 351 PHP vetted programmers in the United Kingdom available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire PHP developers and experts in the United Kingdom that you can trust.

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Top senior PHP developers for hire in the United Kingdom

Want to expand your PHP development team in the United Kingdom? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance PHP developers in the United Kingdom for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Thomas F. - PHP developer in the United Kingdom
The author of "React & Vue - The Road To Enterprise" books. Full Stack Developer, Consultant, and Tutor
5.00 / 5.0

I have started my career as a web developer 10 years ago. I like challenges in which I can use modern tools and technologies to develop outstanding web applications in look, performance and efficiency. I specialise in Front-End web technologies - Vue, Nuxt, React, Next, and React Native for mobile applications. My Back-End stack includes Node.js with Express and Fastify, Firebase, Python, and PHP. For more details about technologies I know, see the expertise section below. **What I do in a nutshell** - Front-End/Back-End/Mobile - Consulting/Mentoring/Teaching - Sketching and Wireframe prototyping - UX/UI Design - Testing - Code reviews - Workshops **What I can help you with** **New project or features** Do you need a website or a mobile application? Or maybe you already have one, but you want to make it even better and include more features in it? I can build a website or a mobile application for you or help you with your current one. We can establish a short or long-term relationship, whichever suits your needs better. We can work on new features together via 1 to 1 sessions, or it can be done via job requests. **Code reviews/Consultancy** Do you or your team have a project but are not sure if you are following the best practices and patterns? Are you wondering how your code could be improved and be more efficient? Maybe you are about to start a new project but are not quite sure what technologies should you use or how to structure it for the best results. If that’s the case, then you came to the right person as I provide comprehensive code reviews with various suggestions on how you can improve your code and project. I can also advise you on how you can get started. **Bug fixes and issue-resolving** Bugs can be very annoying and hard to track and fix. Sometimes, you can waste hours pulling your hair out while trying to find out what is wrong. I can help you resolve your issues quickly and efficiently so you don’t waste any more time. **Tutoring/Teaching** Are you new in the world of development, or do you maybe want to learn new technologies and tools to advance in your existing career? I offer regular mentoring sessions which are suited to meet your needs and time schedule. We can start from the basics or work on any specific aspect of programming that is of your interest. **Anything else** If I did not mention something you need help with, we can still have a chat, so just drop me a message, and we will see what can be done. **Here are some things I did in the past** **React & Vue The Road To Enterprise books** Learn how to create blazing-fast, scalable, maintainable, and Enterprise-Ready applications with Vue and React. Best practices, advanced patterns, guides, tricks, and more - https://bit.ly/3pLngCg **Conferences and Workshops** **React Summit - Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components** https://portal.gitnation.org/contents/composition-vs-configuration-how-to-build-flexible-resilient-and-future-proof-components **React Advanced London - Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications** https://portal.gitnation.org/contents/advanced-patterns-for-api-management-in-large-scale-react-applications **React Workshop - How to handle APIs in React applications** https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-memphis-presents-react-workshop-how-to-handle-apis-in-react-applications/ **React Wednesdays: Best Practices for Testing React Apps** https://www.telerik.com/react-wednesdays/react-wednesdays-best-practices-for-testing-react-apps **CommitYourCode - React Hooks Crash Course** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDDk-coqk_8 **Vue Amsterdam - Vue Experts Panel** https://www.youtube.com/live/El8Jw2CFj7g?si=EUVzHQgAbtPNUAwq&t=5507 **Vue Amsterdam - The Case Study of Findlay Web Tech** https://youtu.be/El8Jw2CFj7g?t=4816 **Where you can find me** - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-findlay/) - [Twitter](https://x.com/thomasfindlay94) - [GitHub](https://github.com/thomasfindlay)

Dami O. - PHP developer in the United Kingdom
CTO at a Tech Startup with 10+ years experience in building software products
5.00 / 5.0
East HamUnited Kingdom

I'm Damilola Ogunmoye, a tech enthusiast, passionate result-driven solution provider, and the Co-founder and CTO at a Technology company that focuses on developing products and digital solutions; to empower forward-thinking businesses. I have a Bsc. in Computer Science with Economics and graduated with honors. I have over ten years of experience building digital products in different industries using various tools and technologies. My focus is on leading a team that delivers clean, maintainable, scalable, secured, and robust products with great architecture. I've worked with Javascript frameworks/libraries like React, Vue, ReactNative, Svelte, etc. CSS frameworks and libraries such as TailwindCSS, SASS, LESS, etc., Programming languages such as PHP, Go, Python, Javascript, etc., as well as relational and No SQL databases not limited to MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Redis, PostgresSQL. I've helped build APIs for products and love building out tools for fun. I believe in continuing to innovate. One must always strive to improve by learning every day. I am currently enjoying working with Laravel, Tailwind, VueJS, and InertiaJS at the moment. Diving deep into Coding Smart Contracts in Solidity and Building Machine Learning Algorithms for Fun. Feel free to chat with me about any issues you might encounter in subjects not limited to Product Design and Architecture, Deployment (CI/CD), Detailing Technical Specifications, etc. I'll be more than willing to help.

Winson T. - PHP developer in the United Kingdom
Hi, I'm Winson and I am a developer & designer that is on a mission to help others by sharing my experiences.
5.00 / 5.0
RotherhamUnited Kingdom

- React.js, Vue.js, Express, Next.Js, Laravel, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript

It's Easy to Hire Top PHP Developers in the United Kingdom With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top PHP Developers in the United Kingdom With Arc

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