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Arc helps you hire top Ruby developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Eastern Europe. With 283 Ruby vetted programmers in Eastern Europe available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Ruby developers and experts in Eastern Europe that you can trust.

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Top senior Ruby developers for hire in Eastern Europe

Want to expand your Ruby development team in Eastern Europe? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Ruby developers in Eastern Europe for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Vladimir G. - Ruby developer in Eastern Europe
Polyglot developer, doing programming for more than 10 years
4.99 / 5.0

Personally I am passionate about programming languages in general, enjoying clear understanding about the way they work. I can help you to learn programming languages, including unconventional ones, like Lisp, Erlang, Prolog, Haskell or Scheme. I also can help you with academic topics such as Lambda Calculus, Finite Automata (Finite State Machine), Push-Down Automata, Finite State Transducers and others. I enjoy explaining complicated things in a simple way. My past production experience mostly comprises from three things: - backend development with Ruby on Rails on various small and average-size projects - work on Flussonic video streaming server at Erlyvideo company using Erlang - frontend development using React, JavaScript and also a wide range of other languages and technologies.

Anar J. - Ruby developer in Eastern Europe
Software Engineer
5.00 / 5.0

I'm CTO, System Architect, Full-Stack developer with 10+ years of experience. I've experience of building billing systems for Internet Service Providers, Mobile Content Providers, Site Builder Systems (like a SitePlus.com, Wix.com), Learning Management System (cyber-education.az), small tools and etc. stuff. I can work alone or manage a team and work together to keep them enough mentored and motivated. Experience list (developing during work): 1. NodeJS - expert with 5+ years experience (my main serverside script interpreter that I use extensively in projects where high load and low latency is in first place), 2. PHP - expert with 10+ years experience (have rich experience with any popular framework of it, built billing systems and apps that will be supported by other developers where NodeJS devs are few), 3. Rust, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby - debugger and had deal with code written on these languages, writing own small projects on Rust as hobby before using it in customer's work. 4. Databases: MySQL (also Galera Cluster) - expert (installing, tuning, replication, complex queries, building optimal db solutions), PostgreSQL - expert (installing, tuning, replication, complex queries, building optimal db solutions), MongoDB - expert (currently preferred as primary db in most of projects, have rich experience on any aspect of this db), CouchBase - expert (using as secondary after MongoDB to cache, store data that is requested with high concurrency), CouchDB - expert (same as CouchBase, but I prefer CouchBase for it's active data in memory principles), RethinkDB - expert (I use it to build back communication between api micro-services and web-socket micro-services to route response to exact connection in context of multi-instance containers) 5. Frontend frameworks: AngularJS, ReactJS - have experience of supporting code written using these frameworks and experience can be developed if there is big need to work with them 6. Building micro-services and dockerizing it - I write micro-services "every day" because it's more compact, stable, flexible, scalable way of shrinking system to modular parts that will not conflict much than monolythic apps 7. Server OSs: ArchLinux, Debian, Alpine 8. Continuous Integration: CI Scripting in GitLab, Jenkins, CloudBuild 9. Team/Task management and boards in Jira 10. Cloud service providers: GCP, AWS For me nothing is impossible. Have problem - I'll find solution, only question is time. I would love the opportunity to work with you on your project!

Thomas C. - Ruby developer in Eastern Europe
Senior Software Engineer | 15 years experience, imaginative, practical
5.00 / 5.0

I enjoy helping projects of all kinds to move forward, solving a wide variety of problems, and producing well-tested code that is clean and thoughtful and that keeps paths open for future extension. Though most of my recent years have been spent building within the Elixir and Phoenix/LiveView ecosystem, I also have many years of experience with Ruby on Rails. I use a Lean perspective when planning a project and writing code, keeping a reasonable balance between short-term and long-term and between perfection and achievable greatness, as I explore the solution space iteratively. I have made a special study of software development productivity analysis and improvement, so I have insights and techniques to contribute from that domain. Over many years I have built internal and external B2B and B2C Full-Stack Web apps and Backend APIs for small companies, startups, and large organizations in the Advertising, Marketing, Education, Meal Kit, Health and Fitness, Accounting, Finance, Government, and International HR spaces. Along with that experience, my thinking was also shaped by the degrees I earned in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science, which formed an outlook that combines an engineer’s calculated pragmatism with the rigor of theoretical explorations and known methods, including significant exposure to Statistics, Data Mining, and Numerical Methods. While meticulous with my time and productivity, I value calm thinking, deep work, and a methodical process that also takes intuitive leaps and assesses a range of options, to drive delivery of projects and features. That ethos is reflected in my ongoing Phoenix LiveView (PETAL) side project, Peak Pace, which captures my research into techniques that go beyond typical Kanban and resource capacity management, to model and effectively optimize the productivity and predictability of business and team processes using BPMN, simulations, and queuing theory. Those same analytical tools are also valuable when diagnosing software application performance. I’m a U.S. citizen living for now in Portugal, and I have good conversational ability in German.

It's Easy to Hire Top Ruby Developers in Eastern Europe With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Ruby Developers in Eastern Europe With Arc

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